MJF Ventures is a business that was created with years of planning and customizations that cater to entrepreneurial needs. The main motto of MJF is not only to act as a primary holding company for a bunch of amazing ventures, but also to offer an intuitive platform that will help entrepreneurs pitch their creative ideas and patents and have us help them bring it to the market.

Our second aim is to provide only top notch quality ventures to our shareholders that will guarantee them positive returns. MJF Ventures not only provides quality reporting and management, but also extends necessary help required by these ventures we oversee.

In the near future, we hope to expand the number of ventures we manage as well as acquire more intellectual properties such as patents. This will help our entrepreneurs as well as our shareholders in the long term!

Why we started?

Started in 2018, MJF Ventures is a venture capital firm that was started with the main motto of serving the entrepreneurs and offering them an intuitive platform to pitch their ideas! While most venture firms only invest in companies that have already been established and are looking to grow, MJF Ventures is different – they focus on investing in early-stage companies with great ideas but no track record yet.

This means taking more risk, but it also opens up opportunities for huge rewards down the road. The goal of MJF Ventures is to provide entrepreneurs with a platform to pitch their ideas, and then show these ideas to the greater world of venture capitalists and shareholders. We want to give people a chance who might not otherwise get one, and help turn good ideas into reality. So far we have had many success stories, like GreenHost, Fitzgerald Tech Solutions, etc.

If you have a great idea but no way to get it off the ground, MJF Ventures could be the perfect solution. We’re always on the lookout for new and innovative ideas, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us and pitch your best shot. Who knows – with our help, you could be the next big thing.

How can we help you?

If you have an idea for a new business venture, MJF Ventures can help you in several ways. First, we can help bring your idea to life using our proven process through our platform. This will give you the opportunity to receive funding from these investors and get your business off the ground.

Additionally, we can provide reports and other management assistance as required throughout the life of your venture. When you partner with us, we will ensure that you receive great value for your ideas.

What services do we offer?

At MJF Ventures, we understand that not every great idea comes from within our own company. That’s why we offer a platform for entrepreneurs to pitch their ideas to us, in the hopes of getting funding and support to bring their vision to life. We also acquire patents as another way of supporting new businesses and protecting their intellectual property.

We pride ourselves on being more than just a venture capital firm – we’re here to help our ventures grow and succeed. To do this, we provide quality reporting and management assistance, so they can focus on what they do best: innovating and creating amazing products or services.

We believe that by supporting quality ventures, we’re not only doing right by our shareholders, but also helping to create a better world.

Why trust us?

If you’re looking for a reliable and trustworthy partner to help grow your business, look no further than MJF Ventures. We have a proven track record of success in working with businesses of all sizes, across a variety of industries. Here are just some of the reasons why you can trust us to help take your business to the next level!

  • We have extensive experience in helping businesses grow and scale up successfully. Our team has helped numerous companies achieve their growth goals, and we know what it takes to get results.
  • We’re passionate about helping our clients succeed – we’ll go above and beyond to make sure that your company achieves its full potential under our guidance.
  • We have a strong network of contacts and resources that we can bring to bear on behalf of our clients – this gives us an edge when it comes to getting things done quickly and efficiently.
  • Our team is highly skilled in many different areas related to business growth, including marketing, sales, operations, finance, and more – whatever challenge you’re facing, we likely have someone on our team who can help solve it.
  • Trust is essential when partnering with anyone on such an important endeavor as growing your business- luckily, you can rest assured knowing that MJF Ventures will always act with integrity, transparency, and professionalism throughout our relationship.

We understand that entrusting your business to someone else is a big decision, but we’re confident that you won’t find a more qualified or dedicated partner than MJF Ventures. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help take your company to the next level.

How to contact us?

MJF Ventures is a multi-faceted organization with interests in various industries. As such, we have many different ways to get in touch with us depending on your needs.

The best way to reach us is through our website’s contact page (https://mjfventures.com/contact/). We will promptly respond to any messages sent through this form.

For general inquiries, you can also email us at info@mjfventures.com or call +1 866 573 1653 and one of our representatives will be happy to assist you further. We look forward to hearing from you!